And God, who supplies seed for the sower and bread to eat, will also supply you with all the seed you need and will make it grow and produce a rich harvest from your generosity.
2 Corinthians 9:10
We give because giving shows how great God is. We renounce what is valuable to gain what is most valuable. Giving for the Kingdom of God demonstrates how worthy and great our God is.
We give because in doing so we recognize the spiritual abundance that has been given to us through the gospel and we glorify God.
We give because God is worthy and because he has been more than generous with us through Christ, we also give for the purpose of promoting the gospel.
Giving helps us to establish priorities. Jesus said, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Mt 6:21).
We give because we know that God owns everything we have.
We give because this produces praise to God from those who receive the offering. 2 Corinthians 9:12 reads: "For the ministry of this service not only supplies what is lacking to the saints, but also abounds in many thanksgivings to God."
We give because we will be blessed. God's promises are true!